
Quick Annotation

DefectCapture™ Features


Building Inspection with AI Technology

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Platform for façade inspection management

Requirement of MBIS scheme

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Our platform supports annotations based on the recommended inspection scope and requirements of the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS), ensuring that you are compliant with all necessary regulations and guidelines. With this feature, you can easily identify and record any potential issues that fall within the MBIS inspection scope, improving the accuracy of your inspection reports and saving valuable time.

Annotation functions

Capture defect images with mobile device
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Our platform offers a variety of annotation tools that enable you to add, edit, and delete shapes on drawings, allowing you to easily mark up comments and provide visual documentation of any potential issues. With this feature, you can efficiently identify and record any necessary changes, improving the accuracy of your inspection reports and saving time.
DefectCapture™ supports quick annotation, users can easily identify and record any potential issues fall within the MBIS inspection scope

Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Building Management




Faster Operation


Location Accuracy